Previous existence as "Xishaungbanna Deyi tea industry co. LTD.",in 2016 we set up"chognqing Xiaoyi ecological agriculture science of techlonogy co, LTD.",is responsible for the products operation in our country,has signed a treaty with the nanan distract government into and get government support,should the market demand,the follwing year we registered in responsible for the region of wool prodution processing. "Chognqing Xiaoyi ecological agriculture science of techlonogy co, LTD." and Xishaungbanna Deyi tea industry co. LTD." are sister company, mainly dealing tea and other high-quality original econogical agricultural products originated from Xishuangbanna. The main mode is traditional sales channels supplemented by sel-operated experience tea houses and online sharing platforms.The company's main business includes ecological agriculture science and technology research and development, food,tea,primary agriculture products such as wholesale and retail,traditional culture and art... [
Detailed Introduction]