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Ningbo Hema Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.

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Ningbo Hema Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd. is the professional Manufacturer and Distributor of Science and Education apparatus for universities, colleges, primary and high schools and teacher-training institutes.All the time, we insist on the quality first & customers' satisfaction, working & operating the new products with new materials, new design ceaselessly to remain our company at the forefront in the field of science & education. And also we have considerable expertise and capacity to design and manufacture the specific products according to the customers' standards, deliver the specific products in an efficient manner.Well-designed, good quality products, reliable & competitive prices, sincere & warm service, all these have earned us a very good reputation from out customers. Besides, we firmly believe that the long-term cooperation is based on mutual understanding & trust. We appreciate your cooperation and mutual-benefit business!
Company File
Name: Ningbo Hema Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd. Type: Cooperate Unit ()
Address: China Size:
Registered Capital: Registration Year:
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Security Deposit: 0.00 RMB Paid
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