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Zhongshan Longlu Display Industrial Co., Ltd.

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Zhongshan Longlu SIGNS specializes in the production of all types of quality Signs, Signages and Point-of-Purchases (PoPs). We work closely with partners in Holland, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines and the European Union. All production of outdoor and indoor signage is located in our China factory. Our production facilities are housed in a factory with 12,000 square meters. Our plant machineries include CNC, routing, welding, printing ... etc.We and our partners conducts installation and after sales services located in different countries such as Germany, France, Australia and America. As a leading sign manufacturer in China, we are focused on excellence in the field of indoor/outdoor stationary visual advertising, sign post and signage. We manufacture products with high quality and durability. For illumination of signs and advertising boards we use high quality LED systems with long use lifespan.
Company File
Name: Zhongshan Longlu Display Industrial Co., Ltd. Type: Cooperate Unit ()
Address: China Size:
Registered Capital: Registration Year:
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Security Deposit: 0.00 RMB Paid
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