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Izhmetiz LLC

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We are the group of companies being in love with aluminium.Produce anodized aluminium according to world quality standards.Responsible for the full production cycle from casting and extrusion to anodizing and processing.25Micron anodizing factory have already produced 42 000 tonnes of aluminium - the weight of 8 nuclear submarines K-222.Anodizing 130 000 sq. m. of aluminium monthly - the square of 18 FIFA football fields.We manufacture and protect aluminum from corrosion for 30 years.Secret equipment settings for unmatched surface quality.Unique surface treatment.Layer thickness 5 - 30 microns.73 basic anodizing recipes.The guarantee anod thickness - 25 micron.100% aluminium quality guarantee.
Company File
Name: Izhmetiz LLC Type: Cooperate Unit ()
Address: China Size:
Registered Capital: Registration Year:
Data Certification:
Security Deposit: 0.00 RMB Paid
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