YIWU CITY WEIJUNFANG CRAFTS LIMITED was establised in 2009, is the leader manufacture of the gift star bow, curly ribbon egg, pp color ribbon in Zhejiang.Factory covers an area of more than 12000 square meters, located in suxi yiwu city, closed to Yiwu Market, enjoys great geographic advantage and can ensure 100% on-time shipment.Our Rich ResourcesWe operate with comprehensive technology and advanced equipment for maximum efficiency and quality. We have a well-trained and experienced group of creative designers and skilled workers, a well formed, high performance production system, an extensive network of raw material suppliers, as well as a proficient QC team. Our research to keep up with market trends while introducing new technologies into our product lines. You'll enjoy when you source from us. Our Personable ServicesWe employ skilled, responsible, diligent and effective staff members to be available at all times to support our standards of service: high quality at competitive p... [
Detailed Introduction]