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Yongkang Dashing Leisure Products Factory

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Yongkang Dashing Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. has more than 11 years of home & outdoor furniture manufacture experience since year 2005. With area about 10,000m2 and workers more than 150, we have large famous clients such as Germany ALDI, Europe Sport 2000, Japanese Wal-Mart, America Rite Aid, Italy Auchan and Ukriane Epicentrk, etc. With more than 50 raw material suppliers and large output, we can keep the material and goods costing low and over 2/3 of our workers have 2-10 years of plentiful working experience to make sure our products with high quality. For the same price, our quality is better than most of the other factories. In fact, because of our high quality products and low price, plenty of our old clients and also some of the craft brother factories buy these items from us constantly.
Company File
Name: Yongkang Dashing Leisure Products Factory Type: Cooperate Unit ()
Address: China Size:
Registered Capital: Registration Year:
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Security Deposit: 0.00 RMB Paid
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