Originated in 2005 and located in the Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, Feiyide Machinery Equipment Factory is a newly manufacturing enterprise which sets development,production and sales in one. As the leading enterprise in machinery equipment industry and under the premise of meeting the demand of customers, we adopt the high quality imported materials and combine our own experience with the latest plating equipment technology and experience at home and abroad, during the development, now we have developed into a large-scale and high-tech enterprise which sets developing, designing, producing and service in one. We are specialized in making high-end automatic and precision plating machine and peripheral equipments. Our core technology are continuous plating and hardware with plastics plating production line. We also make precision plating barrel (on this barrel body, there is polypropylene and acrylic computer punch or halftone in which the size of aperture has 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.3mm... [
Detailed Introduction]