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Yuyao HOJAProducts Co., Ltd.

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HOJA Lighting Products Co., Ltd. is dedicated to the manufacturing of quality LED lighting products. We produce a large variety of products in numerous specifications, and specialize in lights illuminated by LEDs (lighting emitting diodes) for application in the automobile industry, marine industry, and for home use. Our major product lines include LED lights for trucks and trailers, LED courtesy lights, LED down or spot lights, LED dome lights, Bulbs illuminated by LEDs, LED garden lights, and custom LED lights (lamps). To achieve top quality products and completely satisfy our customers, we have partnered with some dedicated manufacturers as suppliers of quality parts for quality control as well as mutual growth. To accomplish our goals and provide innovative products we also have an in house design shop, working on our own product lines as well as meeting customers' specialized requests. Our mission is to provide maximum quality and best service and we invite you to contact us for further information. We look forward to serving you.
Company File
Name: Yuyao HOJAProducts Co., Ltd. Type: Cooperate Unit ()
Address: China Size:
Registered Capital: Registration Year:
Data Certification:
Security Deposit: 0.00 RMB Paid
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