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JIANGXICHONGFAR LIGHT TEXTILES CO.,LTD is located in Jiangxi, China. We are professional and specialized in bags for many years. Our products including school backpacks, sports backpacks, travel backpacks, cooler bags, beauty case, tote bags,pencil case, shopping bags, laptop bags, camera bags, duffle bags, handbags, trolley bags, and so on.We have our own factory with 5 production lines. Our annual production capacity is 30,00,000 pcs.And we have our own R&D forced and QC team to keep our products meet different request from our customers. We are capable of developing new products and producing exalt products as customers requests. Our products have acquired the certificates of Walt Disney, BSCI and Walmart, while our production strictly adheres to ISO 9001 system standards.Our main markets are North America,Western Europe, Oceania and Southeast Asia. We has established long term cooperation with K-mart, Walmart, 4 season, Ocean pacific, Patrick, Rhinoand so on. We have good qualit... [Detailed Introduction]