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Our BeginningLeatai is a combination of Leader\Taiwan\Idea. Therefore our company name in mandarin is similar to its pronunciation. Leatai is a new name with an old soul underneath it. Our founder was raised in the environment of notebook business. He went through trends of 1980\1990\2000\2010 and participated in the manufactory process.His hands is full of scars from decades of experience. We are demanding to develop products that are useful\quality\green\creative and labeled with reasonable price. Promoting our local artistry in Taiwan is one of our goals as well. To achieve these goals, our brand 'Leatai' was born.Since 2016, we adjusted and expanded our company to match up the increasing customers. Our clients are from all over the world. Furthermore, our fine reputation has caused steadily increase of trade. In addition, our effort in social media has brought out positive effect on the number of loyal customers. Our ConceptA. Innovation with Traditional ArtistryStarted with rig... [Detailed Introduction]