UV LED Strip "disinfection" 275nm 260nm UVC LED Strip Disinfect UV LED Sterilizing Strip
According to the wavelength,UV light divided into UVA(315nm~400nm),UVB(280nm~315nm),and UVC(200~280nm).The main applications of UVC include disinfection/purification of water/air surface.
Destory the molecular structure in the cells of microorgainsms(pathogens such as bacteria,viruses,etc.)in a short time.By destorying the DNA and RNAof the organism to preventits reproduction,it can achieve a high-efficiency and broad-spectrum sterilization effect,thereby sterilizing water,air and the surface of objects. As the cells cannot be regenerated,it used in sterilization such as water and air.
The data show that which only 30 MW/square celimeters UVC intensity,one second can be effective against most bacteria.
Now it is nearly 100% killing,the effect is remarkable,and it can use inmedical and health fields.Personally in the field of health and home hygiene,ultravioletlight can be used for killing insects,socks and baby bottle disinfection.

Below is High Power UV-C Rigid LED Strip