RGBW LED Strips 5050 DC12V DC24V Flexible 4 in 1 LED light strip connector 5 pin
Product Description
RGBW LED Strips 5050 DC12V DC24V Flexible 4 in 1 LED light strip connector 5 pin
RGBW LED Strips 5050 DC12V DC24V Flexible 4 in 1 LED light strip connector 5 pin
1. Power supply:
DC12v led strip :must use a DC12v power supply to power this strip , do not use higher than 13v !!
DC24v led strip :pls use DC24v power supply , or you can use destroy the entrie strip
2 . Cutted:
you can cut this stuff pretty easily with wire cutters ,Solder to the 0.1" copper pads and you're good to go !
DC12v :cutted per 3LED ,there are cut -lines very 5cm .
DC24v: cutted per 6 LED, there are cut-lines very 10cm .