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Shenzhen Witstec Technology Co., Ltd.

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Witstec , founded in China in 2015 , is the global leader in providing in-store digital shelf -edge solutions that enhance both store performance and the shopping experience .We work with the world's top resellers , small and large , including grocers , electronics and specialty stores .We help retailers all over the world solve key in-store challenges , like meeting the New Retail demands and improving store operatings and task managment . We are the catalyst for retail digitization . by creating game-changing technology and services that are easy to use , adopt and scale , we are making our customer successful in a fully connected world .Our Electronic Shelf Labels ( ESLs ) bring the shelf -edge into the internet of Things era , helping to create shopping experiences that are more engaging , rewarding , and personalized . we help retailers optimize sales and margin at the shlef -edge , where 90% of purchases are still made .
Company File
Name: Shenzhen Witstec Technology Co., Ltd. Type: Cooperate Unit ()
Address: China Size:
Registered Capital: Registration Year:
Data Certification:
Security Deposit: 0.00 RMB Paid
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