On 6th to 8th May 2019, NBC launched more than 80 new products at China International Beauty Expo, Shanghai. Is the rise of the new terminology ‘Beauty Tech Era’ of 2019 redefining the meaning of beauty efficacy? What is the ‘potential’ of beauty tech in the skin care industry? Is daily use of facial mask still the way to go? NBC revealed all the four elements of beauty skin with the complete guide of ‘New Insight’.
Booth 6.2 A26 NBC, CIBE, Shanghai
Beauty Guidebook: Facial Mask – Solid Essence Mask is all the rage
Beauty consumers have increased their demands towards the efficacy, sensation and innovation of facial masks. With this in mind, the beauty industry has introduced the new activated ingredients-non-preservative products.
NBC’s pioneered Nano Instant Tightening Mask of NBC back in 2018 was the result of employment of the nano electrospinning technology in producing mask the very first time. The highly condensed solid essence is a breakthrough in the concept of facial mask. Without facial mask cloth as the medium when contacting the skin, it effectively allows the essence to be absorbed by the skin to reach better hydrating result. The instant completion of skin care procedure is groundbreaking in the beauty industry.
This year, NBC combined the revitalize sleeping freeze-dried technique by freeze-drying the condensed ingredients into solid form and concealed in the Tencel mask. With the same concept of hibernate, this enable the freshness of the essence to be kept to achieving zero preservation and fragrance. Once the Solid Revitalizing Sleeping Mask in contact with water, it will be activated and adhesively attached to the skin. The highly condensed essence will release to supply the skin with rich nutrition. Consumers could add either water, milk or toner to the mask for a little DIY experience for better result.
Beauty Guidebook: Skin Care – Eye care is a blue ocean market
When consuming power is continuously increasing, consumers are more demanding over the excellence and product diversification towards skin care products. Eye care products is enjoying an increasing demand in the market. According to the Internet Reputation and Behavior Data Research Institution, the 2018 China Consumer Market on Eye Care Products Report stated that between September 2017 to September 2018, online transaction of eye care products reached 4.7 billion, indicating the new tendency of consumers in buying skin care products.
Gen Y has started to consumer products that focuses on tightening the area surrounding the eyes and smoothing wrinkles; whilst Gen Z on reducing dark circles and eye bags. In 2019, the eye care product market is growing strong. NBC has launched a series of eye care products to meet consumers’ demand, helping our customers to select the right products.
Beauty Guidebook: Skin Care – ‘Stable’ is the new word in the beauty trend
Healthy skin can attest any challenges from the environment. However, if the skin immunity drops, it will get alleged easily, redness and enlargement of pores are unavoidable. When skin is suffering from allergies, stabilizing the skin condition to return its balance status is important. NBC has launched the Walk Soothing Repair series, using natural energy to restore, stabilize and moisturize skin whilst strengthening the skin shield. These three results brings irritating skin back to normal.
In the market where most products are similar, NBC is committed to make a change. By looking after the needs of consumers and their experiences, over 80 new products are launched at the 2019 China International Beauty Expo, Shanghai.
Eric Mak, vice president of NBC (Marketing) stated at the Second Beauty Product Manager Summit held at the CIBE that the motivation of product innovation comes from consumers’ need. For that reason, NBC has focused on innovating products that tackle consumers’ particular need.
Before launching value-added new products, NBC studied thoroughly the new trend of the market whilst carefully observed the behaviors of consumers over their skin care habit. By actively communicating the right message to consumers on skin care, NBC is committed to develop the best products for them.
Therefore at CIBE, NBC launched the Color Essence Pro Mask Series that delights consumers on their preferences of color diversification of efficacies; Fresh Essence Foam Mask Series for instant fix; Special Facial Mask Cloth Series that comes with functional mask clothes; Hi-Tech Mask Series for tightening result; V-shape Mask Series for uplifting Meteor Radiance Soothing Night Mask for overnight use; Essence for supplement; Overnight Series for tired skin; Cloud walk soothing repair series for activating skin power; interesting and amusing makeup removal dry wipes series ; Seven dazzling color ampoule set for restoring skin natural feature; and Infant Series that takes care of baby’s delicate skin. All these new products are bring a new sensation to the skin, giving new experiences to the consumers.