There are many places need to pay attention to in the customized pu leather handbags, but to sum it up, we should pay attention to five aspects, and let everyone study together.
First, when the bag is designed to make a pattern, you must figure out what materials are used to make this model. Because if we design and make a handbag, we don't know what materials are used for it, how can we talk about the proofing of the handbag? To know that different materials are different in the design of the bag, the method of outlining is different, or that some raw materials are simply not suitable for making handbags with certain structures and processes. For example: when you want to use a very hard material to make a discount bag, it is obviously not suitable.
Second, when the bag is designed to make a special version, we must figure out the size and shape of the handbag. If you think about it, if you don’t know the size and shape of a handbag, what about bag design? So how do you decide the shape and size of the paper grid?
Third, when customizing the summer leather handbags, after figuring out the above two points, it is necessary to decide what kind of craft should be used according to the materials of this bag, of course, here also depends on this bag handbag What style and route are you taking?
Fourth, when the bag is designed to make a special version, after figuring out the above three points, then you can determine the structure of the bag handbag, that is, we often say that the handbag is out of order. That is to say, which several plate materials are used to combine a handbag, and a finished handbag you want is produced through the relevant process.
Fifth, when customizing the leather handbags, after figuring out the above four points, you should determine the color matching of the handbag. Color design is indispensable for any product. Bags and handbags are also the same. Generally speaking, the front and back of bag handbags are the main color, the bottom of the bag and the inner stickers, and the zipper stickers are all the color of the ingredients. The color of the general ingredients is darker than the color of the main ingredients.
Guangzhou City Yaoda Leather Co.,Ltd personalized in unique bags and handbags since 2006.
Our factory’s design,cut,produce, and quality control, all aspects show our exquisite craftsmanship and strict control of quality,we also have our own designer team and marketing office in Guangzhou.
What is more,we also registered own brand "ANGEDANLIA",and our brand of“ANGEDANLIA” is well known in some countries and regions. We committed to becoming the leading brand in the personalized and unique bag industry,
Strive to strive for excellence, do everything seriously, products include: ladies bags&handbag, shoulder bags,travelling bags,tote handbag and so on. The materials of these bags and handbags includes:PU,PVC,canvas,fur,velvet,real leather and other different materials, different textures, different designs of nearly a thousand samples, the style of the products is also varied. Can also be based on customer requirements OEM, do special design, add LOGO on products .