Albert’s 2018 summer vocation

   date:2020-10-27     browse:3    comments:0    
Summary:Here comes Albert summer vocation! It is 8th, August in Guangdong province, hottest days in a year. Sellers and administrative staff from Albert family gather together happily early in the morning.

Here comes Albert summer vocation! It is 8th, August in Guangdong province, hottest days in a year. Sellers and administrative staff from Albert family gather together happily early in the morning. They will go to enjoy their Sunday in Xiachuan Island, one of the most famous sightseeing spot in Guangdong.

Xiachuan island is located in the west of the pearl River, and in the southwest of Taishan City, Jiangmen City. This island has charming scenery, fine sandy natural beaches, beautiful islands and bays, peculiar mountain scenery and stone forests, fascinating scenic spots and historic sites, and most importantly, a wide range of seafood treasures.

Swimming, a traditional tug-of war in the beach, playing games in the field, climbing to catch the first sight of sun rising, going out fishing together, Enjoying delicious fresh seafood, Albert family not only do it well in work, they playing well too. Even one of them said, it’s not the scenery but whom you go with to one place that you can remember most. Albert is this kind of family that can bring people together, work together, play together, and grow together.

No matter what kind of work you are engaged in, hardships, difficulties and troubles exist objectively. The problem is what you think of it. Whatever work you do, as long as you manage it as a business, it will play an extremely important role in one's development. Only those who take the present job as their own business can really devote their energy to doing everything well. Of course, eventually, all his efforts will be equally rewarded, even though we are not doing it for them. Only in return can we work hard. That's why our little Albert buddy came together. We're family.

There is a special photo album for your photos in the mobile phone. We took a boat together, drove a beach car together, ate delicious food together, and had the best time together. It's a pleasure to meet you, my brothers and sisters. We all have a common name, Albert. It's a pleasure to grow up with you. At the same time, we thank our customers who have been supporting us all the time. It's a little strange to say "customer". For Albert, you have surpassed the relationship of ordinary business cooperation. We are more like friends and helpful friends. Thank you again for your company and support all the time. Without you, we don't have our home now.

Article Source: Albert’s 2018 summer vocation
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