Another Success in Albert’s double eleventh carnival

   date:2020-10-27     browse:3    comments:0    
Summary:The biggest event in every November is definitely Nov. 11th shopping Carnival in China. This day, commonly known as "Singles'Day" in Chinese folklore, has evolved into an online shopping Festival in the course of the rapid development of e-commerce.

The biggest event in every November is definitely Nov. 11th shopping Carnival in China. This day, commonly known as "Singles'Day" in Chinese folklore, has evolved into an online shopping Festival in the course of the rapid development of e-commerce. It’s now of great significance to Chinese consumers, retailers and major e-commerce platforms. Albert also worked hard to join it. After half a month of careful planning, finally Albert carried out the annual maximum concessional activities.


All Albert sales and administrative members fought together for 48 hours!  From the afternoon of November 10th, Albert's office was ablaze with lights. Employees answered consumers' shopping questions in front of computers an via mobile phones. At 0:00 on November 11, the annual online shopping Carnival officially opened. CEO Albert Zhu always accompanied his stuff, improved their speaking skills, and constantly encourages them to achieve the daily performance! On this day, more than 2 million pcs of modules were shipped! And it is only the promoted item especially for this festival.


From this experience, it’s firmly acknowledged that due to 'Growing together’ ‘Quality is our culture,’ favorable price and sincere service, Albert has won trust and support of their customers. Most importantly, ALL Albert family members make no effort to help customers to find best solutions in products and business in any possible way.


There’s data showing that this year's "double eleventh", Tianmao and Jingdong and other platforms have renewed their historical records. The outbreak of "Double Eleventh" consumption also shows that China's huge consumption potential is still releasing.


On the one hand, the improvement of seller's efficiency and buyer's requirement for product quality, together constitute the benign driving force of China's "consumption upgrading". In the long run, China's consumption upgrading is still "on the road". Continuously improving consumer experience. The "Double Eleven" in 2019 has once again become the revelry of e-commerce.

Article Source: Another Success in Albert’s double eleventh carnival
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