YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD has been adhering to the concept of "Always prepare for the rainy day". With years passing by, we deeply study market rules and learn advanced technologies from famous brands so as to gain an improved production capacity. For those hot-selling products like belt bag , we always keep some in stock to satisfy the needs of rush order handling. However, if you have needs on tailor-made products or special needs on product modifications such as size changes, we have no ready-made products offered and it will take a longer time to complete the project.
Jinxi Bags has a large-scale factory for tote bag. Jinxi Bags's sling bag series include multiple types. The production processes of Jinxi waist bag-fanny pack are strictly done according to the mechanical equipment industry, including the surface spraying, electroplating, and components assembly. It is waterproof and protects objects from rain and the like. Jinxi Bags has always been guided by the needs of its customers. It has enough room for wallet, phone, makeup, etc.
In this booming society, Jinxi aims to be a much better company in the area of backpacks. Contact us!