Different from trading companies, dental floss stick factories mainly deals with the manufacturing and processing of products instead of buying a specialized range of products, maintaining the stock, and delivering products to customers only. Lvsheng Oral Care Products Technology Co.,Ltd. is an option. We are an enterprise that focuses on designing, developing, and manufacturing the products. With a factory covering a large area, we are equipped with advanced production lines and relevant testing equipment to ensure the products are all made efficiently and accurately. Except for those hard power, we have also established different departments responsible for designing, R&D, and manufacturing businesses.
Lvsheng is a manufacturer specializing in the design and manufacture of interdental toothpicks. We share the best knowledge base and render highly regarded excellent customer service. The best dental floss series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. LvSheng best dental floss for tight teeth is constructed strictly according to both domestic and international safety standards. It has passed certificates including UL, SAA, FCC, BSI, and so on. The product will cause no bleeding teeth. The product features high efficiency. It is developed with automative and intelligent technologies which guarantee efficient and rapid production. The product will reduce the bad residual odor of the oral cavity.
We will strive to enter the global market and create a sought after dental floss stick manufacturing brand. Inquire now!