In order to expand market globally, MYJOY has several credentials on handbag chain. With the expansion of the Internet, we have now started to compete on a global scale. Exporting products largely contributes to increasing our profits. And our product has gained a great reputation globally.
DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd sets other enterprises apart from itself by gold purse chain. Various in styles, MYJOY Metal Accessory's UV Disinfection Lamp can meet the needs of different customers. This MYJOY d ring buckle is designed by experienced engineers with in-depth industrial knowledge. It significantly enhances the overall look of the handbag with its color matching the leather. This product is equipped with protective qualities thanks to the coatings. While the coating is in liquid form, chemical compounds are added to provide pigment, flame retardance, UV, water and mildew resistance. The product is exhibited frequently at fairs around the world, such as MIPEL.
In order to protect our environment, we work to limit the production of waste and recycle waste when possible and we manage waste treatment in each of our production sites.