Different from trading companies, fanny pack/waist bag factories mainly deals with the manufacturing and processing of products instead of buying a specialized range of products, maintaining the stock, and delivering products to customers only. YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD is an option. We are an enterprise that focuses on designing, developing, and manufacturing the products. With a factory covering a large area, we are equipped with advanced production lines and relevant testing equipment to ensure the products are all made efficiently and accurately. Except for those hard power, we have also established different departments responsible for designing, R&D, and manufacturing businesses.
With advanced machines, Jinxi Bags is highly efficient in producing clutch bag. hangbags series manufactured by Jinxi Bags include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. Jinxi tote bag is produced strictly in line with the quality regulations for interior decoration materials. Before shipping, it will be inspected in terms of formaldehyde content, harmful substances contained in the glue and adhesive, as well as the toxic ingredients in the paint. It will be carefully packaged with a PE bag or a customized bag. People will find it very useful in sealing devices. It's especially suitable for sulfuretted hydrogen environment due to its excellent sealing property. Its inside lining is thick and well stitched.
Customer satisfaction is Jinxi 's principle of service! Inquire now!