Our current products are stocked in Guangzhou Ouyee Display Co.,Ltd. factory. If you are interested in , then you are free to contact our staff to inquire about the detailed information. Generally, there are regular products stored in our factory. We can send related sample to you. If you need some custom service, then we are capable of customizing products based on your needs. But it will take longer time to get the products you want.
Ouyee is acknowledged as a prestigious Chinese manufacturer. We are indulged in designing, manufacturing, and exporting jewellery shop showcase design . The wooden shoe rack designs series is widely praised by customers. jewellery shop design are rich in jewellery shop showcase design . Ouyee display furniture has firm structure. Ouyee has set up a full range of multi-channel procurement platforms. we display furniture is manufactured based on 20 year experience.
We will gear our business activities towards a greener approach, while at the same time guarantee the production process meets all relevant environmental laws.