Our current products including microblading tool are stocked in our factory now. As a professional enterprise, we always keep a certain amount of inventory for the hot-selling products, the purpose of which is to cope with the market sales changes. In general, it takes some time for us to purchase raw materials and arrange the production, which may result in that our customers lose their precious business opportunities. However, if the stock in our company is adequate, this risk will be greatly reduced.
Founded many years ago, Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is proud to be China's leading permanent makeup supplies manufacturer. best fake eyelashes series manufactured by Qinmei Cosmeticsinclude multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. Exquisite craftsmanship with aesthetic and elegant design style is a promise and commitment from Qingmei. With high customer satisfaction and awareness, the product is bound to have a wider application prospect in the future.
Our company is dedicated to sustainability. We have implemented measures to reduce our footprint on the environment such as producing our own solar energy.