Marrant is a well-established Chinese company. We are proud to be "The Partner of Choice" for the majority of the leading genuine leather bag brands. We will show you the leather shoulder bag series that is most popular with customers. To prolong its lifespan, NIUCUNZH genuine leather travel wallet is handled with delicate waterproofing work. The product is closely and exquisitely encapsulated to prevent moisture and water vapor from entering into its chips. Its surface has been buffed and smoothed out. This product is safe to use. With its built-in protective systems, including overload and overvoltage protective devices, it generates no danger. Logos or patterns can be fulfilled by embossing technology.

Commitment to excellence is our goal and what we pursue. We encourage every one of our employees to improve themselves and cultivate professional knowledge using our company's resources. Therefore, we are competent to provide targeted services to clients. Ask!