Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd provides several types of pricing, and EXW is included. If customers choose an ex-works price, you must arrange transportation all the way from our warehouse to the final destination. And customers are responsible for all export process. No matter which term you choose, We will give the maximum profit to you.
Marrant is a Chinese Company. Our meticulous attention to leather backpack shoulder bag design and manufacture has made us the trusted. We will show you the leather shoulder bag series that is most popular with customers. The product is not prone to oxidization. The mechanical paint applied on its surface help protect it from the air or moisture. It is not susceptible to environmental factors such as mud, dirt, and grit, therefore suitable for trekking and other outdoor activities. People will find the product very easy to use. Instead of having to read the complicated direction for use, they will get to know how it works in seconds. It is an ideal gift for male friends on birthday, Christmas, New Year, etc.
The core value of our company to gain success is to keep changing. We have a keen sense of the market trends which constantly changes, and we keep innovating so as to progress continuously. Contact!