Based on customers' needs, a great number of suppliers of optical encoder can offer ex-works price. Under this International incoterms contract, the seller agrees to place the goods at the buyers' disposal at the specified place within a fixed period. All other obligations, risks, and costs beyond the named point of origin are the buyers'. The risks could include loading the products onto a truck, transferring them to a ship or plane, dealing with customs, unloading them at their destination, and storing them, etc. Shanghai Hengxiang Optical Electronics Co,ltd. is one of those suppliers who can provide the ex-works price.
Hengxiang engages in the production of silicon substrate, including n type silicon wafer. Hengxiang provides a wide range of Related Products for customers. HENGXIANG encoder on elevator is manufactured as per the international norms and well-defined industry parameters . Being an essential part of modern society, the product contributes a lot of convenience to people in their daily life.
Hengxiang will strive to provide better optical encoder and services! Contact!