There are many smart card manufacturers in China who can provide high-quality goods with the ex-works. Offering ex-works cost usually means that the seller is only responsible for packaging the goods and delivering them at a specified place, like the vendor's warehouse. Once the goods have been placed at the buyer's disposal, the buyer is responsible for all costs and risks related to the merchandise. As one of superior manufacturers in China, Shenzhen JLTcard Co. Ltd will always offer the most profitable price to you, regardless of which term you select.
JLTcard, one of the leading suppliers of smart rfid card, has been serving the industry for years. And we are proud to say our products are China Made. rfid key fob is one of JLTcard's multiple product series. The product has good flexibility and bendability. The materials used in it are soft and features remarkable tensile strength, making it highly resistant to flex. Our rfid disposable wristband meets up with international standards for quality and you can be assured of it.
Our company bears social responsibility. Sustainability considerations are always the key part of decision-making in our product development.