Are walls sound proof? How to choose your STC ?

   date:2020-10-27     browse:4    comments:0    
Summary:Yes,it is sound proof.STC Reference as follows: 34 - 38 Loud Speech Understood Schools 38 - 42 Normal Speech Audible; unintell Libraries, Churches 40 - 44 Loud Speech Audible, but unintell Meeting Rooms, Higher Ed 43 - 47 Loud Speech Barely Audible Bo

Yes, it is sound proof. STC Reference as follows:

34 - 38 Loud Speech Understood Schools

38 - 42 Normal Speech Audible; unintell Libraries, Churches

40 - 44 Loud Speech Audible, but unintell Meeting Rooms, Higher Ed

43 - 47 Loud Speech Barely Audible Boardroom, Clubs

46 - 50 Shouting Not Audible Community Halls, Private Meeting Rooms

Article Source: Are walls sound proof? How to choose your STC ?
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