You can always contact us for an actual specification of the volume and weight of your shipment. As a professional company, we will calculate both volume and weight so that you can know the exact information about the goods and package. It is known that cargo weight and volume of dental floss play important parts in determining the shipping costs before shipment, so we will take full consideration into the packing materials, saving the cost and ensuring the cargo's safety.
Lvsheng Oral Care Products Technology Co.,Ltd. is exceptionally admired for its top quality toothpick brush. As one of Lvsheng's multiple product series, dental floss stick series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The product is up to standard in quality and performance. It is very convenient to use for people who have braces during orthodontic treatment. It can yield substantial benefits if applied in industrial production. It will relieve humans from repetitive, hazardous, or unpleasant labor in all forms. It is small in size to be easy to carry around.
In order to deal with the changing future, LvSheng will need to assess the situation timely. Welcome to visit our factory!