Wenzhou Maotong Crafts Co., Ltd. bookmark has passed relevant international certification. The products have excellent performance and reliable quality, and the products have obtained relevant qualifications such as ISO 9001. We abide by high efficiency, provide professional service guarantee, and of course, provide better products.
Founded many years ago, Maotong is proud to be China's leading trolley token manufacturer. Maotong has created a number of successful series, and trolley token is one of them. The production of Maotong military challenge coins has met the strictest safety standards in the sauna industry. The product has been tested and approved by numerous safety agencies. Under the stamping process, the product features high dimensional accuracy. The product gives people's feet external support and helps to redistribute the foot pressure, enabling people to be in the correct position of the biological force line. The product is a perfect Birthday gift.
our team strives to serve the best interests of our customers. Inquiry!