Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd.has developed for years and has been well recognized by clients at home and abroad. The R&D and production have been supported by a team of experienced technicians. It is well marketed in both domestic and foreign markets. Its exports make up a large proportion to the total sales.
Qinmei Cosmetics has established a brand image of high-end permanent makeup tools. The permanent makeup tools series has become a hot product of Qinmei Cosmetics. The raw materials Qingmei permenant makeup accessories uses are from reliable suppliers who are well-known in their own industry. The product is corrosion resistant. It is hardly affected by liquids such as acid-alkaline chemicals, oil, and bath cream.
We intend to provide our customers with the best products and service possible, through continuous improvement. We ensure that our products and services consistently meet customer’s requirements.