For Zhongshan Charmland Gifts Factory Co., Ltd., we'd love to refund the charge of the custom sports rings sample if customers place an order. Honestly speaking, the purpose of sending samples to customers is to help you try our product for real and know more about our products and our company, thereby, relieving the worries about the product quality or performance. Once customers are satisfied and willing to cooperate with us, both parties will gain huge interests as expected. A sample functions as a bridge that connects both parties and is a catalyst that boosts our cooperative relationship.

CHARMLAND is an influential professional provider of class ring. CHARMLAND focuses on providing a variety of Key Chains for customers. Our professional quality check team ensures this cost-effective and high performance product. The product will not rust or turn yellow with age. It has gained recognition from almost every of our customers. Logos or names can be printed on the product.

Doing the best Key Chains is the common pursuit and ideal of CHARMLAND. Ask!