In general, there will be discount on the first order. You are expected to tell Guangzhou AIVI Leather Co., Ltd. about the order quantity and other services in need so that the items for discount may be ascertained. We intend to provide apple brown leather case at the most reasonable price. Its current unit price is affordable to most of the clients. When a big order is placed, or a new client is here, discount may be offered. However, it should not be highly expected, as it is not aimed at offering discount, instead, helping establish partnership.
AIVI is a vanguard brand in HUAWEI P30 Leather Case industry of China. The mens travel wallet series is widely praised by customers. Unique and stylish design for samsung covers is definitely a positive factor. The genuine leather makes it never go out of style. It can be easily mounted. It is designed with careful integration with adjacent elements such as other wall claddings, roofs, and base of wall details. The genuine leather makes it never go out of style.
AIVI Leather Co., Ltd.’s vision is to achieve first-rate brand and become a competitive iphone x case enterprise. Inquire!