For some special period, Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. provides first purchase discounts on best microblading products. Give a chance to learn us, and you may be offered with the welcome discount! Discount applies to items at regular price only and is valid only for first-time customers. All discounts including the welcome discount are subject to review and approval, and may be subject to additional restrictions. Please do contact us to confirm the discount.
Qinmei Cosmetics is professionally supplying high quality micropigmentation eyebrows since its establishment. We will show you the eyelash lift kit series that is most popular with customers. Qingmei good false eyelashes is manufactured under a complete production system. From automatic assembly and mechanical assembly to manual assembly operated by skilled workers, professional technicians are always there to supervise and inspect. The product complies with ergonomics. There is an arch support structure which features good stability and has enough supporting capacity, enabling the product to offer protection to the foot.
We pledge that we won't engage in any practices or activities that breach relevant competition or antitrust laws. We will never do something that harms customers and competitors, such as offering inferior or highly over-charged products.