Yes, if customers conduct first order for cell phone shop display furnitures, they will find some discounts given by Guangzhou Ouyee Display Co.,Ltd.. But there should be some criteria being met. The number of the purchased products should be higher than the minimum order quantity as it is the basic criteria that we can make a profit. If you are not sure of our product quality, you can place an order for the sample, which is endowed with the same characteristics of our product. What's more, the discount is negotiable on the foundation that there is room for further cooperation.
Ouyee stands out among many competitors of manufacturing perfume rack stand . We are known for providing innovative products. The electronic shop display series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The overall performance of OUYEE wooden shoe rack designs will be assessed by professionals. The product will be assessed whether its style and color match the space or not, its actual durability in color retention, as well as structural strength and edge flatness. Ouyee display furniture is designed by a team of professional designers. Fast delivery, quality and quantity production are Ouyee's advantages. Advanced equipment and technology are adopted in manufacturing we display furniture.
We adopt eco-friendly manufacturing approach. We try to produce products that are made as little as possible from harmful chemicals and toxic compounds, so as to eliminate the harmful emissions to the environment.