Yes, if customers conduct first order for eyebrows tools , they will find some discounts given by Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd.. But there should be some criteria being met. The number of the purchased products should be higher than the minimum order quantity as it is the basic criteria that we can make a profit. If you are not sure of our product quality, you can place an order for the sample, which is endowed with the same characteristics of our product. What's more, the discount is negotiable on the foundation that there is room for further cooperation.
For years, Qinmei Cosmetics has been an industry leader in the design, manufacture, and distribution of best microblading needles. Qinmei Cosmetics's best fake eyelashes series are created based on unremitting efforts. To facilitate the development of Qingmei, our professional design team has been putting efforts into designing best fake eyelashes. This product has electromagnetic compatibility. It has passed EMC testing for verifying its ability to withstanding EM energy which may occur within its operational environment.
As a company bears social responsibility, we aim to conserve resources and minimize our environmental impact in all of our activities.