Yes, if customers conduct first order for microblading machine , they will find some discounts given by Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd.. But there should be some criteria being met. The number of the purchased products should be higher than the minimum order quantity as it is the basic criteria that we can make a profit. If you are not sure of our product quality, you can place an order for the sample, which is endowed with the same characteristics of our product. What's more, the discount is negotiable on the foundation that there is room for further cooperation.
Known to be a large manufacturer for best fake eyelashes, Qinmei Cosmetics has a wide market share. We will show you the microblading kit series that is most popular with customers. During the production of Qingmei permanent eyelash curling kit, the defective percentage is strictly under control. Quality is guaranteed by rigorous control and monitor of each production process to meet the quality standards required in the electronics industry. Featuring many practical functions, the product also highlights the whole bathroom design by adding eye-attracting elements in it.
We have a dedication to customer success. We can quickly react to customers and their needs and make regular communication with customers, which helps us close gaps between customer expectations and our services.