In some special periods, Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. provides the first purchase discount on permanent makeup supplies. Discounts apply only to normal-priced items and are only valid for first-time purchases. All discounts, including welcome discounts, may be subject to additional restrictions. Please contact us to confirm the discount.
Qinmei Cosmetics has its independent production base to manufacture permanent makeup supplies. The microblading practice kit series is one of the main products of Qinmei Cosmetics. As it is an essential part of the production process, the samples of Qingmei silicone tattoo practice skin are carefully handled to ensure that the feel and look are right for customers' brand. The product can maintain its beautiful finish with very little care. People will not need to worry about refinishing, sanding, or repairing it as long as they follow basic care instructions.
We think customer satisfaction as core part of our business. We work to exceed our client’s expectations while addressing their needs and providing professional services.