Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd is able to produce leather bags manufacturer of different shapes, sizes, colors, or materials to cater to the taste and interests of customers. As we are endowed with years of experience in customization, we have designed and produced products in different styles. We are proficient in handling all kinds of problems during customization. As the custom product is so unique that we will have a demand for MOQ to ensure the profitability of the customization business. If customers place an order with a large quantity, we will consider to offer you some discounts.
Marrant has been focusing on the R&D, design, and manufacture of genuine leather briefcase and we are constantly appraised by many customers. We will show you the leather chest bag series that is most popular with customers. According to the safety standards, NIUCUNZH leather backpack shoulder bag has passed the high surge voltage test. In order to protect its inner components from damage caused by lightning strikes and tripped circuit, this product is strictly designed in the endurance of surge voltage. It exhibits stain resistance to some extent. It does not need special treatment or designated cleaning methods. It is easy to care with just a simple and proper washing method. It can be designed with added features such as detachable shoulder straps and convenient side pockets.
We have adopted a sustainable and responsible approach that is responsible for our environment. From the raw materials, we use, the production process, to the products’ life cycles, we are doing best to reduce the impact of our activities. Contact!