In order to endow with uniqueness, YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD provides a logo or company name printing on the product. There are a variety of methods to choose from, like printing and engraving. We ensure the logo and company name are vividly printed on the product surface and our designers will figure out the best distribution and optimal font or image size. If customers want to communicate with our designers about the details for the logo design, please contact us through email.
Jinxi Bags is a well-known manufacturer of sling bag. Jinxi Bags's tote bag series are created based on unremitting efforts. The strict control process ensures that Jinxi big handbags will meet the exact specifications. It is waterproof and protects objects from rain and the like. Jinxi Bags has a long standing reputation for its remarkable sling bag. It can be designed with removable shoulder straps.
Customer satisfaction is the ultimate pursuit of our company.