In order to endow industrial magnet with uniqueness, Hangzhou Spanner Science and Technology Co. Ltd. provides a logo or company name printing on the product. There are a variety of methods to choose from, like printing and engraving. We ensure the logo and company name are vividly printed on the product surface and our designers will figure out the best distribution and optimal font or image size. If customers want to communicate with our designers about the details for the logo design, please contact us through email.
Spanner Science and Technology is a professional manufacturing service and product development company in China. Our main product is ferrite ring. Spanner Science and Technology produces a number of different product series, including neodym magnet. During the design phase of Spanner earth magnets, some important factors are taken into account. They are tip-over hazards, formaldehyde safety, lead safety, strong odors, and chemical damage. Its availability in very small dimensions makes it ideal for size-limited applications. This product aids in building a professional image. It will certainly bring to the public that a company/brand is well-established, which fosters a high level of trust from more customers. It is ideal for higher-end applications requiring precisely metered torque, speed, or positioning.
In order to protect the planet from exploitation and conserves natural resources, we are sparing every effort to upgrade our packaging way that features fewer resources used.