Generally speaking, SHENZHEN SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY LTD's workers work from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm. Don't hesitate to contact us if there are any questions. 24 hours every day run. You may leave message on networking and answer will be made as soon as possible.
With flexible operation of hdi pcb and technical strength, SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is widely recognized by customers. medical device pcb produced by SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is very popular in the market. SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY multi-layer pcb is processed under the strict supervision of experts, using the high-grade technical skills and advanced machines. The product, made by the highly advanced etching technology, is quite sensitive. Strict and perfect quality control system makes medical device pcb's quality more stable. The product has a higher heat insulation coefficient than other similar products in the market.
The aim that our company always sticks to is to be an international market leader in this industry within several years. Get more info!