Generally, most of the manufacturers including YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD would love to refund the cute small backpacks sample charge to purchasers if the order is placed. Once customers receive the product sample, and decide to cooperate with us, we can deduct the sample fee from the total cost. Moreover, the larger the order quantity is, the lower the price per unit will be. We promise that customers can get a very preferential price and quality assurance from us.
Mainly manufacturing clutch bag, Jinxi Bags is highly competitive in terms of capabilities. Jinxi Bags's custom bags series include multiple types. The structure of Jinxi silver clutch bag is checked through various methods of welding tests. These tests include bend testing shear stud, bolt tightening or torque test, magnetic particle inspection test for welding, ultrasonic test for welding, visual test for welding, etc. It has the strength and ability to carry a lot of stuff. The product contains no harmful substances. It has been clinically proved that all its materials meet international safety standards. It will be one of the wardrobe staples each woman likes to carry.
Jinxi provides enthusiasm for all customers together with stable supply and preferential prices. Inquire!