Yes, as long as you are familiar with the relevant shipment processes and have deep knowledge with agents. Guangzhou Ouyee Display Co.,Ltd. provides a variety of shipping terms, including EXW and FOB. Under the EXW term, we have our product loaded in our factory to your agent and bear no liability and charge to the follow-up shipment. When you prefer a FOB order, we are only responsible for bringing the products to the designated port and vessel. Customers should notice that the agents are reliable and accountable as we are only in charge of product manufacturing.
During the course of development, Ouyee has been maintaining a relatively top and competitive position in the manufacturing of eyeglass display stand . The electronic shop display series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. electronic shop display has the characteristic of phone repair kiosk , it has an extensive application prospect. Over 200 skilled workers are ready to manufacture Ouyee display furniture. Ouyee has more advantages in wooden shoe rack designs than others in China. Systematic production process is built for we display furniture.
We have a focus on delivering customer value. We are committed to our customers' success by providing them with the highest quality supply chain services and operational reliability.