Generally, customers working with YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD can arrange the shipment of coin purse in the preferred way. If you choose to deliver the goods by yourselves or your agent, please know that you will be responsible for delivering or for arranging the delivery of the goods and will be liable for full possible damage and risks in the course of delivery. For example, in the event of any fire, explosion, or other accidents, we bear no liability. Before delivering your goods, please notice that sign a legal contract for delivering goods with your agent and pay the insurance for those valuable products, or else you will regret it if something bad happens in the transit of goods.
With continuous innovation, Jinxi Bags is in the leading position in the international custom bags market. Jinxi Bags's tote bag series include multiple types. The design of Jinxi cute coin purses is the integration of intelligence and professionalism. The latest cutting-edge technologies such as automation detection and automatic control technologies have been applied to its design. High quality materials make it dust and dirt resistant. The product has a translucent and smooth glaze surface which makes it stand out immediately. The clay used in it is fired at more than 2300 degrees Fahrenheit to help the white color show prominently. It is highly customizable with regard to the shape.
Jinxi Bags helps our customers get the best value. Please contact us!