YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD offers various shipping terms, such as EXW, FOB, CIF. If you have a shipping agent in China, we can offer you either an EXW or FOB quote. You can assign your agent to collect your goods at our factory, or we can deliver your shipment to the designated location or port. Under the FOB/EXW terms, you get greater control on your goods and your freight cost, but the risk of shipment is borne by you and your agent. We will carefully pack the products to ensure they won’t easily get damaged in transportation.
Jinxi Bags is a fully advanced tote bag manufacturer and supplier. Jinxi Bags's tote bag series are created based on unremitting efforts. We have an internal process in place to manufacture Jinxi girls mini backpack. It is extremely easy to wear and best for easy going. Jinxi Bags is equipped with professional R&D team and technical team. It has the strength and ability to carry a lot of stuff.
Customer trust is the driving force for excellence in we . Inquire!