Yes, as long as you are familiar with the relevant shipment processes and have deep knowledge with agents. YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD provides a variety of shipping terms, including EXW and FOB. Under the EXW term, we have our product loaded in our factory to your agent and bear no liability and charge to the follow-up shipment. When you prefer a FOB order, we are only responsible for bringing the products to the designated port and vessel. Customers should notice that the agents are reliable and accountable as we are only in charge of product manufacturing.
Jinxi Bags is professional and experienced in mass producing purse. backpacks series manufactured by Jinxi Bags include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. All (or) mainly Jinxi cute coin purses consists of printing paper and cardboard of high hardness, enough to carry the promotion goods and conform to the strict environmental protection requirements. It has optional materials including genuine leather, PU fabric, and composite material. tote bag is combined with high-strength, black tote bag material applications, as well as advanced technology. It has the strength and ability to carry a lot of stuff.
Jinxi Bags aims to provide customer high quality hangbags products and best service solution that beyond your expectation. Inquire now!