Based on the regulations of international trading, Guangzhou Baoli Animation Technology Co.,Ltd. agrees with the idea of delivering the pandora box arcade by yourself or your designated agents. We will count the number of total products one by one and pack each of them well before giving them to you. If required, we would love to provide a commercial invoice. In this case, we can offer a relatively low price for you. However, all responsibilities and risks related to the products will be transferred to you once you confirm and receive the goods.
Baoli is the dominant pandora box arcade supplier. The game smart card system series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The heat generated by the product in the process is negligibly small, thus there is no threat to the ever-rising global warming problem. Accepts multi-coins in one coin slot. No need for two acceptors side-by-side. Brand reputation continuous improvement has achieved by Baoli. Quality inspection while manufacturing has been efficiently implemented by IQ, PQC, and QQC.
All BLEE employees are adhering to the development philosophy of arcade game parts and actively implementing the spirit of arcade game parts. Get price!