The details vary with goods. Determined by the kind and depth of detail you are seeking, you may better turn to our Customer Service. Some details can be found on the item page. We can assure you that all our microblading needles are endowed with excellent detail with quality materials and complex technology.
As a top producer for microblading practice kit, Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is high active in this field. According to the material, Qinmei Cosmetics's products are divided into several categories, and permanent makeup tools is one of them. From the selection of raw materials of Qingmei permanent eyelash curling kit, any hazardous substance or element is eliminated to prevent pollution to the environment as well as any harm to the human body. This product can be installed in buildings of any size and design, creating unique and visually stunning exteriors. All without ever having to sacrifice cost or efficiency.
We have established a process where resources are recovered from used products, recycled into new products, and further delivered to customers, to realize sustainable business activities throughout the product life cycle.