The microprocessor in a DC motor is an important component of the device. The microprocessor occupies a certain proportion of the motor, so we should be as familiar as possible and understand it to work better.
The rotor position in the motor is very important for efficient control of BLDC motors. The position of the rotor can be detected by a Hall sensor or a rotary encoder connected to a DC motor. These sensor inputs are used in feedback control systems with sensors.
The rotor position can also be estimated by using back EMF voltage information. This feedback control mode eliminates the need for sensors and additional wiring. The position or estimator can also be used to calculate the rotor position. The PWM has a programmable dead-band delay that drives the high-side and low-side gate drivers. The C2000MCU can also drive BLDC motors by using trapezoidal or sinusoidal controls. A hardware-based fault detection system shuts down the system faster, without software intervention. These MCUs can also be used to implement scalar and vector control techniques.
The zHercules Safety MCU for DC motors offers an ARMCortex-R4f-based solution and is certified for use in systems requiring the EC61508SIL-3 security level. These MCUs also offer integrated floating point, 12-bit ADC, motor-specific PWM and encoder inputs via a flexible HET coprocessor. Hercules Safety MCUs can also be used to implement scalar and vector control techniques and support a wide range of performance needs.
Therefore, the microprocessor of the DC motor can help the processing of precision technology in operation, which is in an irreplaceable position in the equipment, and the research and technical improvement of the microprocessor should be strengthened to improve the working ability of the motor.